


Have you had enough of the same old notifications making your phone vibrate? Google unveiled a brand-new feature dubbed “Notification Cooldown” in the most recent developer preview of Android 15. To solve the problem of too many and repetitive notifications, Android 15 has introduced a new feature called “Notification Cooldown.” It provides users with a more peaceful and quieter notification experience. The purpose of this feature is to lessen disruptions, increase focus, and shield users from being inundated with notifications all the time.

The “NOTIFICATION COOLDOWN” feature of Android 15 is now available

The most recent version of Android is called Android 15. It presents a brand-new function dubbed “Notification Cooldown,” which attempts to address the issue of excessive notifications. By default, the feature known as “notification cooldown” is on. Either all notifications or just conversation notifications may be subject to this setting for users. For users who are frequently inundated with lively group chat messages, this feature is definitely very helpful.

In particular, the phone’s sound volume will not change when a notification is sent from the same app or conversation for the first time. Nevertheless, the volume of upcoming notifications from the same source will progressively drop. It’s important to note that these persistent alerts are not totally turned off. Rather, the notification’s loudness informs users that they are coming from the same source. This implies that you will be able to distinguish between notifications by their sound when they arrive, even if you decide to ignore them.


The annoyance of receiving repeated notifications from the same app led to the creation of the “Notification Cooldown” feature. With the help of this new feature, Android 15 hopes to give users a notification experience that is quieter and less disruptive by doing away with the irritation and frustration that come with constant alerts.

The “Notification Cooldown” feature has a timer that resets after a certain amount of time, so be aware of that. Even from the same app or conversation as the previous notification, new ones will be louder after they have been reset. The timer cannot currently be customized by users. Furthermore, it is currently impossible to determine how long the “cooldown” will last before resetting because the timer is hidden. That being said, users have the option to disable the notification cooldown function if they would prefer a notification to sound.

Android 15 will surely become more user-friendly with the addition of the “Notification Cooling” feature. But it won’t take the place of the current notification management choices. In June of this year, Google intends to release Android 15 with “platform stability.” It will take several months for the public to receive an official release.


The idea behind the “Notification Cooldown” feature is to adjust the frequency of alerts in order to enhance focus and decrease interruptions. In order to keep users from receiving too many loud notification alerts, this feature mutes the volume of subsequent notifications that originate from the same app.


Android 15’s “Notification Cooldown” feature is a noteworthy addition that provides a more subdued method of handling notifications. It is intended to give users a more smooth and concentrated user experience by preventing them from becoming overloaded with notifications. Through the reduction of interruptions, enhancement of concentration, and management of notification overload, this new feature will further improve the user experience. Google’s dedication to giving users greater control over their notification settings and a more peaceful, less distracting notification experience is reflected in this new feature.

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