
Discrete ways and analytical approaches of art in the age of ideas with the name of Eslam Hozayen (Film Director)

Discrete ways and analytical approaches of art in the age of ideas with the name of Eslam Hozayen (Film Director)

Art plays a vital role in every field of knowledge. Without art, the world will look like an empty vessel. In this respect, the film director Eslam Hozayen is working to promote art in all levels of thinking from conscious to unconscious and sub-conscious to deep-conscious. He writes on many aspects of art and brings it into the industry. He has introduced four short films and five short visuals. Further, he vanishes within himself in the thrust of thinking and really enjoy it with the core of his heart. He once said, “To avoid fear is to give it power and control over us, but if we were to take a step closer into the face of fear and look for details I think we would understand it and eventually overcome it, that’s why I present these disturbing images because while they are necessary for the body of the work, they’re also essential to get the viewer to be comfortable learning about the uncomfortable”.

Eslam Hozayen saw his birth in Cairo, Egypt, at the age of seventeen he shifted to the United States of America where his affection for screen writing took the roots at the highest level. He started to bring new ideas in the arena of mental health of people. He worked days and nights for better understanding of the industry. And he learnt English language along with his theoretical and practical struggle in the field of thoughts and ideas. Now, he is being known as the Minnesota Film director and writer, Eslam Hozayen.

Hozayen speaks in the words of art. He has worked on all phases of life like, fear, anger, love, hate, etc. In fact, the art is the mother of all the pleasures. Everyone finds calmness and full relaxation in art. If you are going through the acute depression then you should look around the art of Almighty Allah. The real and the actual phenomenon of life is relied on art that is the reason which compelled Hozayen to see the ideas in the shape of art and sculptures. The real beauty cannot be seen in the words but it can only be perceived in the lieu of silent art. Indeed, the art has thousand beautiful and unimaginable tongues. And every tongue has sweet words but those words are only the inherited property of the creator not the spectator.

It is expected that the Hozayen will be the name of art the name of ideas of the world in near future. He has a myriad of followers on all the social and electronic media channels. And they are waiting to see his pinnacle in the war of ideas in the language of art.


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