
Google Discover Feed: The Next Favorite Research Tool in the Making

Google Discover Feed: The Next Favorite Research Tool in the Making

Google Discover, the customized content stream that presents pertinent news, articles, and videos, is launching a new function that facilitates users’ exploration of subjects that catch their attention. This beta test includes footers that appear beneath individual articles and offer suggestions for related search terms that lead to a wealth of extra data and viewpoints.

For example, if you find an article featuring a particular smartphone intriguing, the footer may suggest that you look into a related phone or category, like “flip phones 2023.” Increasing your knowledge is made easier with this smooth integration because you don’t have to sift through a never-ending list of search results.

Tapping on these footers initiates a Google Search for the phrase displayed, which opens up additional articles and contextual insights related to the subject. This feature is reminiscent of an earlier Google experiment wherein specific articles had a fictitious search bar added above them.

The Android Police team noticed this new feature when using a Pixel device to browse the Discover feed. These helpful related search terms footers started to show up on specific articles. Given that Discover had “topic headers” that let users explore related content back in 2018, this beta test is a throwback to Google’s previous attempts to make Discover more topic-oriented.

It appears that footers are still in their early stages of rollout, and it is unclear when or if a broader user base will be able to access them. Since Google is obviously still fine-tuning this feature, it may not appear for every article.

That being said, you might want to give it a try if you happen to come across this feature on your Discover feed and you enjoy learning about new subjects and finding hidden treasures. It might just wind up being your new favorite method of education.

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