
Google Releases Upgrades for Android Users of Gemini Nano, Circle to Search, and other Apps

Google Releases Upgrades for Android Users of Gemini Nano, Circle to Search, and other Apps

Google recently revealed a number of upgrades intended to incorporate Google AI into the Android operating system during its I/O 2024 press conference. Users’ interaction with their Android smartphones is expected to be completely transformed by these changes. Google has announced the following:

Circle to Look for Assignment Assistance

An improved Circle to Search was released by Google with the intention of helping students with their assignments.

By circling a problematic prompt on their digital materials, students can now receive step-by-step instructions for solving math and physics word problems directly on their phones or tablets.

Over 100 million smartphones currently have the capability, and by year’s end, that number is expected to have doubled.

Gemini’s Contextual Assistance

Google’s artificial intelligence system, Gemini, will soon provide contextual help by superimposing its functionalities over other apps.

The “Ask this video” feature on YouTube videos can be used to retrieve specific information, or users can drag and drop images created by Gemini into other programs such as Gmail and Google Messages.

In the upcoming months, this update will be sent to hundreds of millions of devices, with continuous enhancements to offer dynamic recommendations derived from on-screen content.

Multimodal Capabilities for Gemini Nano

Google revealed that Gemini Nano, the on-device foundation model embedded into Android, now has full multimodal capabilities.

With the release of this update later this year, smartphones will be able to comprehend inputs other than text, such as spoken language, photos, and sounds.

TalkBack-Enhanced Descriptions

TalkBack will benefit from Gemini Nano’s multimodal capabilities, which will help those who are blind or have low eyesight.

With the help of this tool, you’ll be able to go beyond product specifics when buying online and gain insight into photos that friends and family have posted.

Since these descriptions are generated locally, fast performance is guaranteed even in the absence of a network connection.

Real-time Scam Alerts

A new function that uses Gemini Nano to identify discourse patterns linked to scams during phone calls is being tested by Google.

When the system detects unusual activity, including urgent financial transfers or demands for private data like passwords and PINs, users will be notified in real time. User privacy is maintained by this on-device protection.

Observing Up Front

Google made it clear that the Android experience will soon incorporate on-device AI, and these upgrades are just the start.

In an effort to improve user experiences even further, the business intends to extend Google AI to a number of smartphone brands, including Samsung and Pixel.

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