Werley Nortreus, also known as Prince Werley Nortreus, is a 26 years old Haitian leader known as a Musical Artist, Author, Entrepreneur, and a Politician. He was born in Limbé, but he was raised and grew up in Port-Au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, since when he was a teenager. He came from a well-respected background and he had most of his studies at the most respected schools in Haiti before he graduated from a college outside of Haiti. When he was 6 years old, he’d always wanted to become the President of Haiti or the King of Haiti at an older age. Throughout his career, while growing up, he became the founder of a powerful political movement and a powerful political party called Haitians Lives Matter, similar to Black Lives Matter, that is fighting against racism and discrimination towards black people across the world, and Vanyan Sòlda Ayiti that gets involved in politics. Meanwhile, regarding how risky it is to fight for equality and justice in a world run by inequality and injustice, his goal is to better Haiti to turn people’s minds so they’d come to the same understanding. As such, he even got involved in nonviolent rallies, protests, and said a lot of powerful speeches on the radio across Haiti. No matter how many times he was attacked in public by the oppressors, he remained firm and solid then Fought back against the bullies.
“My fellow Haitians, the time is now, and we must come together to continue the fight that our Ancestors started to free Haiti again, but this time will remain forever. My fellow Haitians, if you are not with me, then, you are against me. Choose your squad”, said Prince Werley Nortreus, the Haitian political leader and founder of Vanyan Sòlda Ayiti and A New Haiti Before 2045 (ANHB 2045) while talking about the issue on Bon Déjeuner! Radio.
According to Werley Nortreus, Haiti became the poorest country in the world after the United States, France, the Dominican Republic, and other European countries exploited its resources years ago and left the land for dead without giving a little help. Haiti was very rich in resources and very beautiful in nature before the oppressors invaded the land and stole its worthy resources. As a result of stealing Haiti’s worthy resources and mistreating its citizens, some solid Haitian leaders and Ancestors called Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Henri Christophe (first King who built the Kingdom of Haiti and the Royal Chapel of Milot), Alexandre Pétion, and so many others started wars and the Haitian Revolution and freed the land and all the slaves. Haiti and Haitians became the first nation and the first black nation that won a successful slavery revolt. The Haitian Revolution has often been described as the largest and most successful slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. Slaves initiated the rebellion in 1791 and by 1803, they had succeeded in ending not just slavery but French control over the colony. The Haitian Revolution, however, was much more complex, consisting of several revolutions going on simultaneously. Haiti won its independence on 1 January 1804 and the Haitian Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in the Port City of Gonaïves by Jean-Jacques Dessalines. Unfortunately, today’s society is asking what exactly the Haitian Revolution did for Haiti because Haiti is now in deep misery and poverty. Haiti became the first black country that won its independence, but unfortunately, how come Haiti is so poor and degrading in 2020? Nowadays, countries like the United States, France, the Dominican Republic, and other European countries are extremely rich and prosperous while Haiti is hungry and struggling to survive even when billions of dollars were donated after the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

“Haiti had leaders like Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Toussaint Louverture, Henri Christophe, and, why not a second King for the Kingdom of Haiti?”, said Prince Werley Nortreus, the Haitian political leader and founder of Vanyan Sòlda Ayiti and A New Haiti Before 2045 (ANHB 2045).
“King Henri Christophe was the first King of Haiti and if the population in Haiti look into me to become the second King of Haiti, I will be glad to continue what my Ancestors started no matter how many distractions they started and will come with against that. So, why not?”, said Prince Werley Nortreus.
In order for Haiti to become prosperous and rich in nature like it was before in the past, Werley Nortreus believes that Haiti should demand countries like the United States, France, the Dominican Republic, and other European countries to pay back their debts to Haiti so the Haitian population and honest Haitian leaders can develop Haiti like it was before in the past. So, the United States, the Dominican Republic, the European countries should pay back the trillion-dollar worth of resources that they owe Haiti, and without forgetting France that owe Haiti $21 Billion. Back then, after the Haitians declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France demanded that the newly formed country to pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US$21 billion for the “theft” of the slaves’ own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. Also, in order for Haiti to become prosperous and rich in nature like it was before in the past, Werley Nortreus believes that Haiti should cut off its relationship with the foreign countries that are doing more harm than good for Haiti, and Haiti should ban the ONGs organizations that are making millions off a poor country like Haiti without doing nothing for Haiti and its citizens. Also, Werley Nortreus believes that the Haitian population, the opposition leaders, and the Haitian Government officials should have a new wealthy mentality so they can unite together and turn Haiti into a Kingdom like it was before to develop the country. Also, Werley Nortreus believes that Haiti should quit the United Nations to join the African Union instead, and Werley Nortreus also urges African countries to stay away from the United Nations so they can build a better relationship with Haiti in the upcoming years.

According to an interview with Werley Nortreus regarding his running for President or running to be the second King of Haiti, he said he wants to turn Haiti into a Kingdom like it was before and his goal is to help Haiti become a well-developed country. He believes in equality and justice for everyone because he said that everyone in Haiti deserves to be treated equally and fairly. He envisioned his hometown country, Haiti, currently known as the poorest country in the world, to turn into a Kingdom to become rich and prosperous by creating industries, creating a strong economic system, promoting education, empowering men, empowering women, empowering children, equal treatment for everyone, equal opportunities for everyone, building better roads, creating a strong security system, starting an army, organizing marine technologies, creating a better agriculture system, creating a new immigration system, organizing a new Governmental system, and more.
“All I ever wanted was to turn my homeland, Haiti, known as the poorest country in the world, into a well-developed country. Haiti is first to me, not last. Why not?”, said Prince Werley Nortreus during an interview with News Ghana and other African and Haitian newspapers when he announced his presidential nomination bid on Feb, 14th, 2020.
So, how exactly Prince Werley Nortreus’s vision is changing Haiti? Well, Prince Werley Nortreus’s vision is changing Haiti by speeches and citations that he said on radio stations or in newspapers. His speeches and citations are opening the eyes of the Haitians and upgrading the mentality of the Haitians to better Haiti. Meanwhile, he hopes to inspire many people along his journey to make Haiti, even the world a happier and healthier place to live. He thinks Haiti will get its respect and dignity back from the oppressors who stole them before the year 2045 arrives. Also, during the protests across Haiti in 2019, Did you know that Werley Nortreus said a famous speech and quotations about slavery that still exists these days and the speech had the attention of thousands of people across the globe? How come Haiti is the only country in America that is still poor in 2020 even when Haiti joined the United Nations years ago? So, Werley Nortreus once said: “Haitians are being punished for being the first black nation that helped and Taught many countries how to get their freedom. Through the years, Haiti is being punished for the liberation of many slaves around the world. Unfortunately, that’s why they don’t want Haiti to prosper.”
While the majority of Haitian leaders in Haiti and outside Haiti are pretending that they care about Haiti, when in reality, they are after popularity and money only, but Werley Nortreus seems to be the only young leader or one of the rare leaders who really want and who really can change Haiti for the better. So, if the Haitians across the world don’t honor, support, and protect him, unfortunately, they might regret it soon or later for making this horrible mistake.