
In Q3 2023, HMD Global is the market leader for feature phones. ADC

In Q3 2023, HMD Global is the market leader for feature phones. ADC

HMD Worldwide, known for Nokia telephones, has gotten the best position in the element telephone market, driving in piece of the pie by worth and positioning second by volume, as per the most recent IDC Q3’23 report.

According to the IDC report, HMD Worldwide holds a 30.7% portion of the overall industry by esteem, a striking increment from Q2 FY23. As far as volume, the brand has a 22.4% piece of the pie, showing a huge development.

Key elements adding to HMD’s prosperity include:

Include Telephones with UPI Incorporation: HMD creatively coordinated UPI (Bound together Installments Connection point) in Nokia highlight telephones, upgrading their usefulness and empowering secure computerized exchanges.

Legend Models Revive: Effective updates to legend models, including new plan, energetic varieties, and bigger battery limit, lining up with customer inclinations for a drawn out and solid client experience.

Remarkable models incorporate Nokia 105 2022, Nokia 110, Nokia 110 4G, Nokia 225 4G, Nokia Xpress Music, Nokia 5710 Xpress Sound with TWS, and Nokia 2660 Flip.

Easy to understand Plan: HMD focused on client driven plan and highlights, guaranteeing openness and delight for a different client base, adding to the brand’s market predominance.

Disconnected and Online Presence: HMD’s broad disconnected and online presence in stores plays had a critical impact in guaranteeing far and wide accessibility and perceivability of its element telephones. This complete methodology has reinforced HMD’s market presence and purchaser admittance to Nokia include telephones.

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