Being a consciously-aware light trance channel goes far beyond ‘mediumship’. While Carol Collins is able to connect with those who have passed on, the difference is that while in a meditative state of mind, Collins’ spirit guides, the Jeshua Collective, use her voice as a conduit to spread their message of ‘The Essential Material.’
The Essential Material includes information about consciousness, why and how the Earth was created, the Law of Attraction/Law of Personal Reality, Self-healing with Chi and Quantum Healing.
There is a wide range of meditative states of mind that trance channels can tap into; for Carol, hers is typically light. “I am consciously aware that a reading is taking place but I am not able to interject into it. I receive clairvoyantly at the same time and many of the things I see in my mind are conveyed to you by Jeshua. There may be images, a movie screen, words, movement of energy, sensations, aromas, or the sound of various voices,” she describes.
From celebrity reality tv stars, to clients around the globe, Carol has helped people everywhere to connect with loved ones who have passed on.
However, Carol did not always have this gift. She is what the spiritual community would call a ‘spontaneous channel,’ someone who discovered their abilities later in life. Her journey began in 2019, after experiencing a difficult breakup and moving to a different state. In order to heal from the breakup, she began to journal, practice mindfulness and learn about emotional regulation. Carol eventually found her way to an Abraham-Hicks video via a Facebook group she had joined. “When I clicked on it, I felt a warm soothing sensation in the center of my chest – the solar plexus area – and felt more than drawn to the teaching of Abraham, I was instantly soothed and to cope began listening to their teachings everyday,” she reflects.

After meditating daily for four months, as per the recommendation of Abraham-Hicks, Carol experienced a ‘swirling’ motion inside of her head. Nine months later, she saw words form in the air using her nose, and this was her first introduction to the Jeshua Collective. Carol and Jeshua began to have conversations, with Carol thinking or speaking something and Jeshua replying using this ‘face spelling’ method. The Collective taught her all about The Essential Material, and a few weeks later requested to use her voice to speak through her. She obliged, and ever since that day, March 20, 2019, Carol has spread Jeshua’s teachings through classes, retreats, workshops, readings and Quantum Energy Healing sessions.
Her life has completely changed since then; she is able to regulate her emotions, no longer suffers from chronic soreness and tension in her upper body and practices daily meditation. Carol elaborates, “I couldn’t be happier – meditation, meditation, meditation is what I would say to everyone everywhere. Daily, silent meditation for a handful of minutes while slowing breathing and thinking of little to nothing and you can heal yourself from anything and transform your life. I am living proof of it.”
Carol’s relationship with the Collective goes beyond what you might think; they communicate all the time. “We converse like friends all day every day and it is my hope that people view their reading with them as a conversation as well and open up in that conversation as they would to a close friend,” she says.
Carol is grateful to be a channel because there is no misinterpretation or uncertainty involved; Jeshua provides clear, direct answers for both her and her clients. “They are Source Beings. They are Infinite Intelligence and they do know all,” Carol explains.
Deciding to share her gift with the world, many of Carol’s clients come to her and Jeshua for guidance, reassurance or clarification and healing. Whether it be how to manifest their best life or answers to difficult questions such as ‘Why am I here?’ ‘What is my life’s purpose?’ Jeshua helps all. At times, Jeshua even shows Carol areas of the body that either have physical wounds or ‘swirling patterns’ that represent problematic habits or patterns of the client.
Carol wants to note that she is not “reading” or predicting the future, rather she receives information from Jeshua to provide clients and herself with emotional guidance, business, relational and other general life advice.
The gifted channeler has had many exciting recent events and has even more upcoming activities. Recently, Carol just finished one of her “I AM” Retreats in Sedona, and is hosting another one in Pittsburgh from September 23-25. Simultaneously, Carol has put together a “Powerfulness of Source Energy 2-day Workshop,” the next one being in Philadelphia from August 12-13. Excitingly, she also just gave a reading to a well-known, though currently disclosed, public figure.
She hopes to spread Jeshua’s teachings even further in the future. “The bigger it gets the better it gets is my motto. There is no stopping momentum when Source is behind what you do,” she asserts.