
Meet Rohit Bag the younest singer from city

Meet Rohit Bag the younest singer from city

22-year-old Rohit Bag , who is a successful entrepreneur, has earned a name for entrepreneurship as well as in the field of music. Rohit Bag is also known as Rohit Bagh . Rohit hails from kolkata, west bengal . Recently, Rohit has released his songs Jerry Tune, Jupiter, Cyclotron, Shades. Rohit is an entrepreneur and he started his career at the age of 18 and today he reached a very big point . Rohit started his career through digital marketing and today he does singing along with marketing. During our conversation with Rohit , we asked him some questions and he answered something like this.

Q-When did you get interested in music ?
A- My father was very fond of old songs, when I was young, I often used to listen to old songs on phone or radio while sitting with my father. Then only thought came in my mind that why should not I also start singing. And then I started taking music classes ,but then due to career, studies this hobby of mine was left behind and I forgot singing. But now I started practicing again and recently two of my songs have also been launched.

Q- When did you come to know about digital marketing?
A- After my father left, all the responsibilities of the house fell on me. then my friend told me about this digital marketing . I started with social networking site then gradually I came to know about many things and today I am in a good place and I have a very good leading team with whom I work which supports me a lot.

Q- Who is your inspiration in music?
A- I have been very fond of old songs since childhood. I love listening to Pancham Da and Kishore Kumar . They are my inspiration and I really like their voice, the way they sing. I really follow them.

Q- Digital marketing and music are two very different things, so wouldn’t it be difficult for you handling these two together?
A- Digital marketing gave me Name and music is my dream. I don’t want to leave either of these two, so in the beginning I had a lot of problem in managing these two together, sometimes it happens that I don’t even have the time to eat, but gradually I Started managing everything and even today I have problems, but not so much that I can not manage things. Today I manage all my things very well

Q- Do you want to give any success tips to give to our readers?
A- There are no such tips. But I must say that it is very important for us to be discipline in life. We should make some time table in our life and follow them strictly so that discipline comes in our life and we can plan things well. It is very necessary . A man can achieve anything he wants. It is only necessary that he/she should be dedicated towards that thing and work hard with full heart.

Rohit is at a very big stage today and he lives his life in a very simple way. He has become a source of inspiration for today’s youth.

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