
Relaxation in a healthy body from Hamid Nematiyan point of view

Relaxation in a healthy body from Hamid Nematiyan point of view

Exercise and regular physical movements, in addition to physical health, have many benefits on the mental, psychological and social health of the individual and affect the individual’s adjustment in society and personality.

Exercise affects the treatment of diseases such as depression as well as memory.

Sport is a safe haven for young people to achieve the desired human growth and perfection.

In the contemporary world, sport has found a special place as an effective phenomenon in all societies.

The connection between physical activity and sports and various sciences has provided new fields for human study, and the breadth of content and issues related to sports and physical education is such that it has created the need for specialized sciences and special studies.

Exercise is an institutionalized activity that requires the use of intense physical force using complex physical skills by participants that are stimulated by internal and external factors.

This definition is related to organized sports activities.

According to researchers, exercise causes happiness and vitality and boosts self-confidence because depressed people either do not have self-confidence or their level is very low. Exercise increases a person’s inner satisfaction and the person feels that he has achieved opportunities.

Hamid Nematiyan           

1. Biography:

A sport Master, Coach, Karate Champion and one of the first TRX Instructors in Iran.

Born in July 19th, 1982. Tehran, Iran


   Hamid Nematiyan started Sport in soccer playgrounds by playing football & continued in Karate at the age of 7. His love of sport made him to sport professionally in Self-Defense, Impact Wrestling, Full kick-boxing, Body building, physical readiness & TRX. He is an official Trainer with coaching Certifications & is currently one of the most active and successful sport managers in “Sport for All Federation” of Islamic Republic of IRAN.


2. Nickname:

TRX Godfather iranian Hamid Nematiyan


3. Sports & Champion Experiences:

– Third place in the world Championship 2007

– Champion of Asian Individual competitions 2008

– Champion of Asian team competition  2007 ‌-

–  2017 Shitorio Shokokai Black belt Dan 6 karate

– Black belt DAN 6 Style  Wadō-ryū 2018

– Black belt DAN 2 Full Kickboxing

– Coaching Certification Level 1 from Karate Federation 2011

– Coaching Certification Level 3 from Iran Bodybuilding Federation 2013

– Coaching Certification Level 3 in Physical Fitness 2007

– Instructor in Coaching TRX courses in Public Sports Federation

– Holder of Various Positions & Sport Titles in Provincial, National, League and International Competitions in Different Styles of Karate 1995-2008


4. Executive positions:

– Head of Iran Association of Sport in Nature 2019-present

– Tehran Chairman of TRX Suspension Exercises Committee 2015-present

– Commercial Manager of Sport Organization 2017-2020

– Vice-President and X-Secretary of TRX Suspension Exercises Committee 2018

– Chairman of Technical Committee of Municipality Sports Facilities 2009

– Director of Leisure and Entertainment of Sport Organization 2015-2017


5. Awards:

Receiving Green Brand Statue from the International Green Brand Conference

Hamid Nematiyan was awarded by International Green Brand Conference for his unbranched sport activities on Environment & Nature protection issues in 2020.


6. Ideation & Implementations of sport plans for Environmental Protection by Hamid Nematiyan:

  – Ideation and implementation of (Nazr-E-Varzeshi Quest) Plogging for 718 Km in the country with the approach of cleaning natural pastures

  – Ideation and Innovative implementation of Green Move Festival in the country in order to Produce Sports Equipment based on Disposable and Slow Decomposition Equipment that harms nature.

  – Implementation of Pahlavan Talab (Wetland Champion Campaign)- A Sports project in order to support the country’s wetlands


7. Book:

– Basic Requirements at Sport Organizations 2020

– Sport in Nature 2020

– The impact of environment and nature on Human Body 2019

– Providing quality service on customer satisfaction of sports complexes 2014

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