
Vengeance – A Motivator or Means of Destruction?

Vengeance – A Motivator or Means of Destruction?

Vengeance is an emotion so raw and potent that it is difficult to shrug off. It evokes disdain, anger, and a strong sense of conviction, which can lead to grave consequences. The question arises: can your thirst for revenge be channeled for a positive purpose? Or is it true that an eye for an eye will make the world blind? Let’s discuss.

Hypothetical scenario: You’re bullied by a classmate or a colleague at work. Your patience wears thin, and you’re close to losing it. The perpetrators steal your lunch, spread illicit rumors about you, and, in most cases, are violent towards you. You take advice from a friend, and they simply tell you to let it go?

Revenge is an automatic response to something that offends us. To let go of that feeling is unnatural. Relax; you’re not being told to punch the first person who says your favorite book series isn’t good. But what you can do is channel this feeling into something positive.

Vengeance can be a great motivational tool as well. Feelings of anger, if invested in self-improvement, can show significant results. We can resort to violence or take the high road and cultivate control and dominance over our enemies by becoming powerful.

In 44 BC, Rome, after the assassination of Julius Caesar, his adopted heir, Augustus, also known as Octavian, could have easily sought revenge to hold those responsible accountable. Instead of letting the fire of vengeance take innocent lives, he strategically chose the diplomatic route and focused on consolidating power and stability in Rome. Augustus refrained from endless warfare and, instead, implemented policies focusing on restoring peace and prosperity in the empire.

That is wisdom and the power of harnessing vengeance.

However, it is easier said than done. The thirst for vengeance can fog your thinking and force you to make irrational decisions.

In 451 AD, Attila, the former king of the Huns, also known as the “Scourge of God,” sought revenge against the Eastern Roman Empire for breaching a treaty by invading the Balkans. In the Battle of Châlons, Attila faced a Roman coalition spearheaded by General Flavius Aetius. Attila’s pursuit of vengeance led to his own undoing. He died shortly after, leaving his empire fragile.

As the great English poet and orator George Herbert once said:

“Living well is the best revenge.”

The author of the award-winning Davenport series, Brett Diffley, presents the 4th installment, Black Dawn. The story features the protagonist, Tom Spears, who is on a mission to track down his wife’s kidnapper, searching through the vast landscapes of Washington State to the Big Apple. And on the way, he meets Bishop Styles, the Duke of Killers. Spears, alias, the Shadow, declares vengeance against those involved, launching a war that causes many casualties.

Witness the thrilling narrative in Black Dawn, now available on Amazon. Visit the author’s website to learn more about the Davenport series.

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