
Astro Farsi Sally description of the history of the horoscope and its association with astrology

Astro Farsi Sally description of the history of the horoscope and its association with astrology

Sally recently explained about horoscopes and astrology, here is some of Sally’s talk.

The horoscope or astrology has been used in the court of kings to foretell and warn about future events, such as the warning of the birth of Moses or the warning of the seven years of famine in Egypt. So, when we look at the history of great civilizations, we see astronomers who regularly observe celestial processes so that they can predict destiny and the subsequent events, however, today these issues are investigated in a separate field in science called astrology, which was founded by Claudius Ptolemy. Horoscope charts are known today as astrological charts.

horoscope to astrology

Astrology has become the science of studying the energy of planets and their impact on human lives. This energy of planets affects not only the personality of individuals but also the total energy of the planet and causes the flow of consciousness. We find that astrology or horoscope turned from a mere prediction into a leading science. There is no unified determination to the horoscope. The ancient cultures each applied their methods and beliefs, the Eastern, Chinese, Islamic, Iranian, Tibetan, Sumerian, etc. cultures, all of which have evolved into Western astrology.

Science for everyone

Thus, the horoscope or astrology becomes a deeper science that has been utilized by any individual, which used to be a prophetic science that is only accessible for kings and nobles. The concept of astrology is linked to a Western word because the introduction of the theories and archetypes of Western psychologists along with stellar signs complemented the concept of human purpose and the understanding of the deeper dimensions of human presence.

The final goal

Today, the birth chart is used as a life guide map and the excellence of the soul. Western theorists have sought to identify stellar forces as the resources that lead us to the greater and deeper meaning of our lives.

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