
Athis Enterprises: Helping Entrepreneurs Master the Online World

Athis Enterprises: Helping Entrepreneurs Master the Online World

Everyone’s online today. Most of most people’s day is spent connected to the internet in some shape or form, and that of course includes buying decisions. 

Many entrepreneurs struggle primarily because they aren’t reaching their customers or communicating that they can meet their potential customers’ needs, and getting online is the first step.

That’s where Athis Enterprises, led by Athis Djeffson’s, comes in.

Athis Enterprises is a Click Funnel Two-Comma Club award winner, and has generated over 3 million dollars for the year so far. 

“I help business owners, coaches, consultants, and aspiring entrepreneurs create a widely profitable online business! Covid has unfortunately proven the vulnerability of physical businesses, and regular jobs to not be recession-proof. A lot of people had to learn the hard way, that online is the way to go. This year has shown an unprecedented increase in Online Traffic, and it won’t stop.”

Athis Djeffson continues,

“Just like life, business is composed of ups and downs. At the very beginning, I had to deal with the cultural shock and language barrier of being a Haitian immigrant in the United States. Mind you, I was working as a Sales Man in a full commission job. With little to 0 English, I don’t have to tell you how painful and difficult it was. But every hardship is there not to stop us, but to bring the best out of us.”

Athis Enterprises helps entrepreneurs dominate the online sales and marketing process. Athis Djeffson explains, “We give you access to our program, which has a very structured step by step process, and which gives you all the strategies and videos you need to scale your business. But what makes us proud and differ us from a lot of competitors, is the core support system we offer our clients: Weekly group coaching, one on one coaching, an active Facebook Group that provides both Emotional Positive support and Technical support from our team’s Moderators answering questions live!”

Like many entrepreneurs, he’s had to adjust to the demands of a changing industry, and has weathered the COVID-19 storm that has ravaged countless businesses. He explains why being decisive is more important than ever:

“Don’t wait for the right time, perfection is just a cover for insecurity! And if you will create a business, make sure it has an Online Component to it! Have more than one way to acquire customers and revenue in your business, and be able to adapt and make decisions fast!”

“In five years I want to help as many people as possible! I want to help create an economic revolution especially in my community, and since I started investing in a lot of small Black-owned businesses, I want to invest in 50 by five years.”

Saurabh Singla

Saurabh Singla, Founder of CaphIQ, is an Indian Entrepreneur, Active Author, Marketing, and Fundraising Consultant. His breakthrough is primarily from generating millions of digital impressions for Entertainment, Blockchain Industry, and various Startups.

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