Foeva is a born again christian from a christian family. Robert and Alicia Dowell are the parents of Foeva, both pastor out in Lawton Oklahoma at New Life Fellowship church. Foeva fell out of the church back in 2012, while dealing with his own personal demons. with his recent EP Late nights you can see the change from his past life to his new life. The project starts out with “No Sleep” probably seeing he spent a whole 24hr to make these 6 songs, something he said God lead him to do. Foeva’s track “Till it’s Over” has an amazing old but new school vibe to it with the brass and string layers in the melodies. Over all this project has a lot to offer in so few tracks (7) which is different than most artist who drop (17) tracks on minimum. I’d give it a listen if you’ve been trying to find that one christian artist that’s keep it real.
Link to stream: withkoji.com/@foeva or follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsfoeva