
Rosa Nice Featured in FABUPLUS

Rosa Nice Featured in FABUPLUS

Rising super-star Rosa Nice continues her plus-size modeling career with a four page feature in
the number one print magazine for curvy women, FABUPLUS, in their Spring 2021 edition.

The article includes never before seen photos of Rosa Nice as she poses with an Albino Python, in
lingerie, and in a formal mermaid gown and tiara. Rosa Nice, a sultry songstress, recently
celebrated 100,000 streams on the new application LÜM Music, 45,000 streams on her newly
released music video, and now she is celebrating her first time being published in a print

Growing up in a town where she was called whale and bullied for her size, Rosa Nice
suffered from self-esteem and body image issues into adulthood. It wasn’t until she went bald
for a modeling gig that she realized in order to love others, she must love herself first. With
many firsts under her belt, Rosa is excited to continue her plus-size modeling career. In 2020,
Rosa was featured in a Blac Youngsta and Dababy music video in Atlanta, a BFB Packman
video in New York City, and an online winter campaign for Blended Boutique in Philadelphia.

Rosa continues to wow her audience with her versatility as not only a songwriter and creative
director but also as a plus-size model and role model. Rosa cites a conversation between
herself and her legendary producer PopTraxx, the son of Leon Huff of Philadelphia International
Records, as to why she began modeling in the first place. Her producer invited her to a casting
call in February of 2020 at his studios, and, as they say, the rest is history. From then on Rosa
started planning her own shoots with professional photographers, such as James Phelps of
Baltimore, and in less than four months, Rosa had her first booking. Rosa Nice continues to
provide others with the courage to be themselves. Rosa Nice’s music can be found on all
streaming platforms, and FABUPLUS can be picked up in Barnes & Nobles stores across the

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