
Elmira Namazova: The secret of being happy .. (Interview)

Elmira Namazova: The secret of being happy .. (Interview)

1. What is the secret of your success? As a business woman, what is your advice to your followers?

We hear the secrets of success in different forms from many other celebrities. Like everyone else, I agree with the majority. Work hard, team up and so on. But my success depends on being honest. Of course, in addition to the above.

2.You have a happy family. How did you manage to be a successful business woman and happy mother?

I have a happy family. I have always given more importance to my family than anything else. Happiness in my family also helped me to succeed in my other endeavors. If a person has problems in his/her family, his/her brain is full of problems and he/she cannot give himself completely to other fields. I run away from where I see a problem

3. Does your spouse’s support for your work always make you happy?

I probably wouldn’t have succeeded without my husband’s support. Because he is the invisible side of the iceberg for me. He is behind everything I do. I draw strength from him. Fortunately, I have such a family.

4.Thank you for the interview. What is the secret of the happiness formula you want to convey to your fans at the end?

I think I told all the secrets in the previous questions. It’s not a secret, actually. These are things that everyone knows for sure. First my family, then honesty, teamwork, perseverance. You can do everything when they come together. And it is impossible not to be happy.

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