
Social Media and Computer Games Affect Children’s Success in School

Social Media and Computer Games Affect Children’s Success in School

One of the biggest concerns of parents and teachers in today’s world is the use of the internet of Generation Z, which grew up in the middle of the rapidly developing age of technology. This Generation Z can also be called the internet generation. The reason for this is that almost everyone now completes and solves their every work on this network. But while this endless internet network brings many convenience and convenience to our lives, it gives us a great advantage; it also brings with it many unhealthy habits. As adults, as soon as we become aware of these wrong habits, we can take action to correct them. In this way, we strive to get rid of the harmful habits that we have just acquired. But since this self-awareness is not yet included in the internet generation, parents and teachers are very concerned about it.

Negative Effects of the Digital World

At this point, Golden Palm Award winning Media Consultant and Author Alaattin Cagil has a very different point of view. Social Media Specialist Alaattin Cagil says that this internet network, which stands out only with its harms, and the digital games it brings; claims that it can contribute to education life. In this sense, he points out that there are deep studies carried out around the world and uses them as reference points in his explanations. He begins his explanations by talking about the harms of the internet and digital games for children.

First of all, social media specialist Alaattin Cagil, who stressed that the concept of willpower in children is not very developed, notes that Generation Z cannot control the time of playing games. He states that a child who constantly plays also experiences a lack of interest in other activities, and he certainly does not give up playing games, despite the fact that he has achieved failure. He also sadly explains that he experiences a feeling of psychological deprivation when he is not playing games, and therefore they are gradually isolated from society. Generation Z, who have lost their basic social skills over time, notes that they face anxiety, depression, loneliness, aggression and many other psychosocial problems, especially due to violent games. Media Consultant Alaattin Cagil, who emphasizes that these are only some of the negative aspects mentioned, also touches on how we will get positive effects if we turn this disadvantage to an advantage.

Overcome Challenges as an Individual

Golden Palm Award winning media consultant Alaattin Cagil the digital world from previous generations of children alone with the internet age, underlining the ability of critical thinking confronted digital games developed further through active and experiential learning says that children be found within the activity. Stating that the most important factor in the development of this skill is the desire to level up, that is, to achieve success, Social Media Specialist Alaattin Cagil explains the process with these words: “In order to be able to develop in the game, he has to decide as an individual where he should use the knowledge he has learned previously experimentally, perhaps with failure, perhaps with success. As such, it is necessary not only to achieve something under the guidance of a guide, as imposed by our education system, but also to face challenges as an individual and use this learned knowledge by learning from the defeats achieved. In this case, it greatly strengthens the ability to think analytically and strategically.”

Digital Games Are Simulations of Real Life

A child playing a strategy game will develop the ability to make decisions, while games aimed at the educational system will strengthen different areas such as mathematics, foreign languages, information technologies and science. When games are preferred in these areas, Generation Z will learn while having fun and feel its motivation rising. At the same time, digital games, which make an outstanding contribution to your child’s development on issues such as challenge, curiosity and self-confidence, reflect the challenges and problems that you may encounter in real life in a simulator format. In this case, it allows him to learn a lesson by living on a virtual platform in a situation that he will need to experience by being damaged in real life. In this way, he knows how to behave and what strategy to follow when faced with such a challenge in his daily life. Digital games, which are also used to treat some genetic problems, also allow you to play in groups in the version that has developed in recent years. This disables the feeling of abstraction from society. In such games, the child who develops his / her work department, Group movement and social skills does not experience the psychosocial problems mentioned earlier. In addition, a digital game play method is also used to improve the motor skills of children under psychotherapy treatment.

Relief from the Effects of Daily Life

Media Consultant Alaattin Cagil, who talks about the main reasons that encourage Generation Z children to play games, underlines the desire to achieve status and success. In some digital games that offer online chat, it is also important to communicate and socialize with people who are very far away from each other. Media Consultant Alaattin Cagil, who said that capturing a team spirit in digital games played in groups gives the Z generation extreme pleasure, also draws attention to the possibility of relieving the stress of everyday life on digital game platforms. He notes that children of the internet age, who face many problems from their daily lives, are free from the negative effects of the day thanks to these games. And the fact that many of the digital games offer free access also makes these platforms quite attractive to Generation Z.

It Has a Lot of Benefit When Used In Moderation

Referring to a study conducted in China, Media Consultant Alaattin Cagil says that according to the data in the research results, there is a decrease in school success of children who use computers between 1 and 4 hours. But according to the results of the research, when used in a measured and controlled manner, it turns out that the internet environment makes a great contribution to Generation Z. Digital Media Specialist Alaattin Cagil, who emphasizes that it is important to maintain a beautiful balance between daily life, school life and digital gaming, says that children should not be banned and restricted in this sense.

Tags: alaattin cagil, social media, digital media, social media specialist, digital media expert, social media expert, media consultant, social media consultant, digital games, computer games, kids, internet and kids, internet, online kids, online, digital worlds

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